

Possibly the last Quiz of the season
Friday 3rd March @ 8pm
£2 per player
Dont miss this one

Call the 19th Restaurant on 02883 841272 ext 4 to book your pre quiz meal


Mother's Day is Sunday 19th March join the 19th Restaurant to celebrate on this special day.

Call 02838841272 ext 4 to book

Charity Presentations

Club President Mervyn McCrea presents a cheque to his chosen charity, Air Ambulance Northern Ireland

Lady Captain Francis Clydesdale presents a cheque to her chosen charity Guide Dogs NI

Lady President Maureen McRory presents a cheque to her chosen charity, Marie Curie

Swipe left or right to view images.

Tandragee GC Club Captain Neil, would like to thank everyone who contributed to his charity on his Captain’s Day back in June. As a club we raised £1800 for RVH Liver Support Group. The group is an independent NI based charity run by a network of volunteer liver patients and their carers providing support for people coping with any liver condition. It provides, medical equipment for the Liver unit in RVH, financial support for those who have to travel outside NI for treatment, a patient helpdesk, promotion of awareness of liver disease and promotion of the organ doner register.
Receiving the cheque on behalf of the charity is Gareth Hunter former Junior Captain of TGC and a recipient of a Liver Transplant.

Mervyn McCrea's Presidents Day

Mr President Mervyn McCrea

Mervyn's daughter Kerry Anderson from Northern Ireland Air Ambulance (President's chosen charity)

Brian declares the results

Gents results

4 Hole winner Tommy Scott

Junior Captain Patrick accepts Junior 9 hole prize for Daire Mallon

Junior winner Peter Cooke

9 hole winner Gillian McCrea

Ladies 3rd Laura Sterrit

Lady Captain Francis accepts Ladies 2nd for Margaret Kerr

Ladies winner Lavern Saunders

Guests prize winner Gareth McCrea accepted by his father, Mervyn's brother Richard

Nearest the pin @ 16 Steven Dennison accepted by his son, Adam

Council Prize John Haffey

Past President's Prize Alan Hewitt

Best Gross Jamie Stothers accepted by Peter McClelland

4th Nett Robert Megarity

3rd Nett Adam Metcalfe

2nd Nett Michael Boyd, accepted by Vice Captain John Haffey

President's Prizer winner Norman Lau

Winner Norman Lau

Olivia Mehaffey Trophy

Our sponsors Stylish Living Evelyn and Luke Mehaffy pictured with Club Captain Neill Cooke and Lady Captain Francis Clydesdale

Ladies Team winners J Donald A Hall C Spiers J McCarten

Trophy Winners J Quinn C Sergeant Brea Friel L McCrea

2nd Mixed L Moorhead K Moorhead J Campbell G Burns

3rd Mixed L Magee J Magee G Cromie J Weir

1st Gents L O'Loan T Nesbitt P Swaffield D O'Hare

2nd Gents L Warren D Poole G Gray H McCracken

3rd Gents - A McHugh S McHugh S Corrigan M Gillespie

Full results page


Mr President Terry McCann and Lady President Maureen McRory would like to thank all the members, family and friends who gave so generously to their nominated charity this year. Past Lady President Eileen Maginess is pictured presenting the cheque for £2640 to Mrs Marie Holmes, Motor Neurone Disease Association